Mark had a conference there and we went a few days earlier to vacation. He'll be going to Singapore quite a bit for his job in the future, so I hope we'll be making trips at Singapore at least annually.
We visited with my dad's side of the family, and Evan had a blast with my younger cousins. So much fun, that he didn't want to come home with us. My aunt was nice to offer letting Evan spend the night. And even babysitting for us one evening so Mark and I could have a date night. I don't think we do that enough. Thanks so much Aunt Geoklee!
Here's the pictures to give you an idea of what we did. There were a few days where I forgot to take my camera out with us. So just imagine more pictures of us eating. hahaha
From Singapore 2008 |
So the reason why posts have been sparse lately is this...
Evan is cute in his uniform. He actually wants to wear it now. Unfortunately, he's in the class that wears the bright pink hats. At least they only wear those hats a recess. Just wait till they start wearing their winter uniforms. I swear it was designed for the girls and they added suspenders and shorts to make it for the boys. And his winter hat KILLS me! Its got a long flowing bow on it! I wonder if they'd notice if I cut it off. Well, for now Evan doesn't know the difference. Just wait till he's older and looks back on his pictures. heehee
The last two weeks have been hard on Evan. He had a hard time adjusting, and cried quite a bit that they recommended that he only do half days for a while. I felt bad for him because I totally understand how he feels about going to a school where he doesn't understand the language. People that have had their kids go to school there, that didn't speak Japanese, said that it takes a few months before they get adjusted.
Well, this week Evan has done amazingly. He hasn't cried at all! And when I drop him off at the front of the school, he walks to his class on his own!
I tell him what time I'm coming back and he actually keeps track of the time. He told me when I came to pick him up, "Mommy, you come get me at 2? There's five numbers on the clock!" He actually watched the hour hand and counted 5 hours! I didn't realize 3 yr olds could make conclusions like that. I never told him which hand on the clock was which.
Time does fly by, I didn't think we'd already be sending Evan to school. It sneaked up on me, that I didn't even get a picture of him going to school. Thats a pic of him leaving school.
*check me out, I typed in Japanese! Yeah without help from Mark either. :P (translation: Evan goes to kindergarten!)
Wow, how did you learn that Japanese? That's SO COOL that Evan gets this kind of amazing cultural exposure.
Who's an adult now?
I wanna go to Singapore. I heard the chicks are hot. Spicy chicken wings. You know what I mean.
bev i have been waiting for an update... it's so exciting to hear from your family. your travels are inspiring! we're still petitioning for japan. hopefully we will get there!
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