Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Careese turns ONE?!

We're back! Sorry its been a long while. I just got back from Seattle with Careese. I was asked by my best friend I've known since elementary school to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. She's been waiting, I have too, for a long while for her man to propose, and he finally popped the question last Christmas. I couldn't be happier for her. So being part of her wedding was a big part of why I was in Seattle. And I haven't seen my family in a while, and they haven't seen Careese since she was 2 months old, and I miss them.
Careese turned the big O-N-E over the trip. And I feel bad that Mark and Evan missed it. They stayed behind, because Mark had a conference to prep for in Malaysia, and Evan couldn't miss that much school, and I was scared to make a trip out to Seattle with two kids on my own. Mark's mom was kind enough to come in town just as I was going to be out of town to take care of Evan for me. Big Thank You!
My brother and sister flew up from Provo to see me over the weekend too. So it was a nice little family reunion in the Thong household. I'm glad they could come up. We went shopping, just the three of us, and it was like stepping back in time, because the last time we ever did that was when we'd go Christmas shopping when we were kids!

As (almost) always, my mom and I do some sewing/crafty project when I'm home. This time, we were sewing a Hawaiian dress for me to wear to my friend's wedding. I searched online for modest and cute dresses, but they're hard to find. I found a pattern for one I liked in a Japanese fabric store, and me and my mom figured out how to make it just from the pictures, cause we don't read Japanese.

Oct 2008 Seattle|Careese 1st Birthday|Bridesmaid Bev

Here's the pics. I thought I was invinsible against jetlag, but it's catching up to me now... I'll have to write more about Seattle later. A picture says a thousand words right?