I signed Evan up for soccer on base with the 3-5 yr olds. He did quite well for his first day. I think he has a hard time keeping focused the whole hour, because he kept wanting to do his own thing with the soccer ball. But then again, maybe it was wearing him out, just as planned?
I was surprised to see some of the kids with full on shin guards and cleats cause they're just 3-5 yr olds! and this program only runs 4 weeks, once a week! I might just cave and go get him shin guards, at least to keep him from getting hurt by everyone else's cleats.
On a quick side note: The other day when we were driving home from something, Evan was looking out the window, and then pointed out to me that he didn't want to go to our house, he wanted to go to our old house. I didn't think he'd remember anything of our old house, let alone cared. I asked him, what old house? what did it look like? what color? He couldn't nail down the color for me but he told me about how there was a triangle on top of the door! That's amazing! Because there was a "triangle" shaped moulding over the front door! He did remember! I explained to him that he was right, and that was our old house, but now we're in our new house, and we would see our old house again one day. He seem satisfied with my answer. I think I don't give him enough credit for how sharp he is sometimes.
From weeks before Japan |
You mean they get more energetic as they get older? ahhhh! I'm in trouble! :)
Holy cow, that is crazy that they're all suited up at that young age. It almost forces you to do the same to protect them. Enjoy soccer!
Trish, how the heck do you comment SO fast! I just barely posted a min ago! I was still profreading and adding a paragraph to it! sheesh! don't you have some nesting to do?! ;)
Awesome action photo of him kicking the ball. I think Royce needs something like this too. He's so much crazier than my girls (if you can imagine that one?).
Go Evan!
Yeah, kids don't forget a thing. They're sponges at this age. I'll be sad when they start getting older and forgetting things.
Hey Beveryly! I'm so glad you found me on facebook! It's been so long. Your family is beautiful. I can't belive you're in Japan. So crazy. I love your etsy shop. I'm also on etsy. My shop name is glambaby. It's so good to get an update on your life!
Bev...I did not know that you know Courtney Parle...what a small world! Her family and my family are close friends!
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