One day Evan had a bloody nose, from the dry weather and him picking it probably, and Careese was being needy and wanted to be held. So I pinned Evan down with my right leg and pinched his nose with my right hand to stop the bleeding, and with my left I held a pacifier in Careese's mouth and tried to rock the infant carrier with my elbow. I think that qualifies me for the multitasking hall of fame.
Anyway, Careese has been such a sweetie, when she's asleep! hahaha She goes through a few hours, at anytime of day or night, of crying. We feed her, burp her, rock her, pat her, bounce her, walk around with her until she finally sleeps, then she wakes up 5, 10, 30 mins later crying like we didn't just spend so much time getting her to sleep. And we do that over and over and over for hours. And she knows when she's put down and wakes right up. We figure out that if she doesn't move or make a sound for over 30 mins then she's really asleep and we can put her down. yeah, we hope she out grows this soon.
So, that's all for now. Careese is in need of being held again. enjoy the pics!
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dec 11 2007 |
Yay-thanks for the update! You're one of the pioneers of the "Kensington cool kids" to make the jump to 2. Congrats again! Keep us updated yo!
dear bev, have you read "the happiest baby on the block?" by harvey karp? elias was like careese at a young age, a very, very light sleeper who would wake instantly upon being put down and didn't sleep very long. also, i he was a baby that liked to be held almost constantly. i couldn't just leave him in the bassinet or playpen and have him self entertain. we tried so many times but he would only last a few minutes. there was a while when he would cry for hours and hours from night to early morning because he couldn't sleep. anyway, this book claims to be the cure-all for this kind of trouble. it didn't help elias too much during his worst weeks, but it would have been much worse in the months surrounding those really bad weeks if i hadn't read this book. it's only good for about the first four-five months of theirs lives, but it's definitely worth a shot. anyway, you might've read it already in which case i'm preaching to the choir, but good luck. i am in awe of mothers with more than one child!
I have seen the video Karp did, but I have not read the book.
We just went and saw our pediatrician the other day and she brought up this book too.
so i'm going to the library first thing.
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