Ok, we all know that Santa Claus is definitely real. But after reading the 409-page report on the use of steroids in the MLB, or the Mitchell report, named after Senator Mitchell, responsible for the investigation, it's just like discovering that Santa Claus isn't real. Yes, I did read almost all of the report -- in the last year or so, I've gained a new found love for reading legal documents. Especially when dealing with investigations. It's cool to see how they spin the web. Anyone who has used i2 Analysts Notebook knows what I am talking about. Anyway, it was quite disappointing to read through the list of players involved, especially because these aren't just minor league players trying to make the jump into the big leagues because there's more money involved--there are Cy Young award winners, Most Valuable Players (MVPs), key players that brought teams into the playoffs, key players that made key plays that places them, in one's mind, on an elevated level, into an elite group of cool baseball players. Then you see his name in the Mitchell report and how the player became roped into the scheme, and you're left with an empty feeling. Anyway, those of you who are CSI, Law and Order, NCIS types, will enjoy reading this report. Maybe over the holidays I'll create an Analysts Notebook chart to give you a visual representation of the investigation -- to show you what's going on in my mind when I read it!
As far as I can tell, Ichiro's not in the report, nor are the Matsuis (Kaz / Hideki), Dice-K, and Okajima...so maybe Santa Kurasu is still real in Japan.
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