Santa stopped by to visit the kids at the church building on Wednesday, and I thought Evan should go since he is old enough to actually understand more about the wonders of Christmas. He had a late nap so we kind of had to wake him to go. I told him before he took his nap that we'd go see santa later and that he'd get candy from Santa too. He seemed excited about it. But the poor kid was so grouchy when we took him, he just wanted to watch the other kids. Of course it doesn't help to see other little kids screaming and crying on Santa's lap. But we made our way to the front, and Santa asked Evan to just stand by him. Still no reaction from Evan. He just stood there. Then Santa pulls out a candy cane, and next thing you know Santa is Evan's best bud. He goes right up and stands next to him. But won't look at the camera or smile. That's not unusual though, he does that on a regular basis.
Then one of our girls, Maddie, from nursery showed up to see Santa, and both Evan and her were dressed in similar colors, so we couldn't resist taking pics of them. Maddie's such a cute little genius, we love having her in our nursery class. Of all the kids in our class, she's the most advanced in her speech and you can have a complete conversation with her. Once she was sitting at the table eating her snacks while the other boys were playing under the table with their snacks everywhere, and she laughs at them and says to us, "silly boys!" hahaha
Maddie was so cute when she tried to get Evan to smile, but he still didn't crack.
Anyway, we got a decent picture of Evan and Careese with Santa this year. Glad Careese was in a good mood for the picture.

Evan looks like he's thinking "how much more work do I have to do to get the candy cane?" :)
Cute stuff! Now I understand what the pictures are about below. Haha! And I thought the girls were all hitting on him.
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