We've had
Verizon FIOS for almost a year now, but Google, of course, has come out with something much, much better: The
Google TiSP lets you have wireless connectivity as high as 32Mbps download! It's Fiber Optic with a bit more fiber! I'd go for the
Royal Flush, especially since it's FREE from Google. They never cease to amaze me. Can't wait to install this through our
Brondell Swash 600 Power Toilet. I will never leave the bathroom ever again. Unless I can finally get my hands on a Wii.
Hahahaha!!!...I just noticed when I read the press release that it's dated the 1st of April!!!
hahaha...luckily Leroy realized what day it was before I looked! I was just looking in complete bafflement trying to think how on earth this was even possibly feasible.
Man that's funny! I just did a link to this from my blog. Thanks for the laugh!!
i kind of read your post really quickly and followed the link and read a few sentences and went down saying to jason "i think we're in the twilight zone" actually believing the premise... then when jason pointed out that i am retarded i had the longest hardest laugh i have had in MONTHS. i was crying! hahahhhhaaaaa.
And does this thing work in conjunction with your japanese toilet seat? I want one too!
I'd like to know what kind of figures they're paying for the "PHD Scientist " at the other end of the connection. Hahahaha. If this is true, I'd retire my current connection after this flush!
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