Its too bad Evan won't remember his Golden birthday. Not that golden birthdays are supposed to be super special or anything, just your age matching the date of your birthday. :)
Mark had to go to Singapore for work this week and so he missed Evan's birthday and Independence day. So, we're gonna celebrate bigger when Mark gets back. But I can't completely ignore it so we did some special things. Evan has recently taken to bowling. We took him once to the alley on base and he just LOVED it! As long as he knocked some pins down, he'd cheer "I did it! I did it!" If he didn't, he'd have the biggest sad face I've ever seen. So, I took him bowling for his birthday. I don't know why I paid for me to rent shoes, cause he pretty much played for me.
I decided to make Evan birthday jello, cause doesn't like to eat cake. The kid could eat candy all day long if I let him, but give him cake and he couldn't careless. Evan loves jello cause he also knows how to make it. And he's also become a big fan of popsicles. So I showed him how to make them in an ice cube tray with small pastic spoons. And he couldn't be happier to find out that we can make popsicals now!
I got him a blues clues coloring book that comes with watercolor paints, a thomas the train sticker/coloring book, and a mickeymouse clubhouse 24 piece puzzle. Can you tell I let him pick out his gifts? Its all his fav characters at the moment.
He was so excited when we got the mail to see a package from my family with his name on it. He got this really cool Thomas train that you pump up with air then push a button and it launches off across the room. Our new house has a hallway that runs the length of our house and its all hardwood floors, so it was SO fun to watch Evan chase after Thomas. My family also sent him a motorize toy boat he can play with in the tub. As soon as he opened it, he asked me to give him a bath! He never asks for a bath! The package also had candy and a connect the dot puzzle book. He chowed down on the chocolate as soon as he could open it, and he will pull out that book and do the puzzles on his own.
I guess that's what I have to look forward to now that he's three. He's got his own agenda now, and he's sure about what he wants, and will just do it on his own. Hopefully that means he'll be potty trained soon! His new independence is good and bad. I've caught him in the kitchen trying to cut an apple for himself using a steak knife. He'll take it upon himself to feed Careese her snacks when I don't even ask him to. And he'll even tell me, "Mama, you change Careese's diaper. She's stinky!" hehehe I'm taking orders from a three yr old.
Happy Birthday, Evan! You've grown so much, I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us!
I'm so glad you have finally made it to Japan and are settling in. What an adventure you are having!
Thanks for all the fun pictures and update on your family.
Take care.
Happy Birthday Evan! We're bummed that we didn't get to see you all before you left. Maybe we'll catch you the next time we're in Japan...
aww I'm so sad I missed his real bday. Good thing we got to celebrate in DC before you all left. Hope you guys had a great holiday weekend!
Happy Birthday E-van! We're sorry we missed it. We hope you are having fun with your new toys and with your baby sister!
All the Yus
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