Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pre Japan Pics

This is just a hodge podge of pics of the weeks leading up to our move to Japan. Posted mostly for grandparents and family, but feel free to take gander. Deck swimming, anniversary cake, garden party, baby dress up, joy school, strawberry picking, moveing out, Westin hotel, Tang visit & swimming, Evan's early 3rd birthday, Careese and Charlotte.

weeks before Japan


Bekah said...

I have to say that carasee is about the cutest baby girl I've ever seen (next to mine of course ;) I loved those pictures! It was fun to see some of my old friends and their children all grown up!

Michelle said...

man, you guys update your blog way more when you have awful internet service. three megaposts in a row! impressive! i guess not being in the middle of a move helps, too. way to post. love the pictures. careese is so pretty. i can't believe people ever ask if she's a boy.

Mary Sunshine said...

It's great to hear from you again! We are glad you made it okay to Japan. It is a strange realization that as close as you seem through blogs and email, you are thousands of miles away. I'm glad for internet. Your kids are darling, as usual. I can't believe that Evan is three! Have a great day and keep us posted!

Beverly said...

i think when internet access is sparse, we work harder at getting online, and we get down to business when we've got a time limit. Otherwise I'm just surfing etsy. hahaha
thank goodness for internet, we're hooked up 24/7 again! Yes without it would feel so cut of from friends and family out here!