Another sign of a sad day: Our little Evan has now been sleeping in a big boy twin bed. We were just talking earlier this weekend about transitioning him from the toddler bed (crib with one side off) to the bed. Evan must've overheard us talking while in his sleep, because the next evening he just wanted to sleep in the big bed, and has not gone back to the little bed since. Bev says she's going to cry. I think it's the pregnancy emotions talking. Picture to follow (*hint hint, bev*).
Evan looks to little in such a big bed!
Almost 2 weeks and Evan's hasn't fallen out of bed yet! But he has only slept a full night in his bed without coming over to our room in the middle of the night. Any ideas?
Well, at least little *Madeleine will not have to fight e-man for future bed.
I also now at this time officially redesignate "e-man" as "Big E."
*insert real, unknown, baby girl Chang name here...just a suggestion! :)
So when is Madeleine coming???? Did you know CC just had her baby this past week!!! She's a cutie! I'm so excited for you!
HuH? Who's Madeleine? I can't believe you're holding out on us here!! >:( What about E? Actually, I think it's a great alternate. :)
I'm jealous because Evan's bed looks nicer than mine...
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