At last, the final gift from Christmas has arrived! I was hoping for a Toto Washlet, but

Some of you are wondering, what's so cool about a toilet seat? This is no ordinary seat, mind you. Notice Lucy even fiddling with the remote. Yes, there's a remote for this toilet seat! The seat is heated, the lid doesn't slam down when you put it down, there's the nice cold butt wash for guys, warm butt wash for girls, as well as the bidet...and there's even an air drier mode! Although you may have to sit there a while for your rear end to completely dry, it's still a nice feature!
I've been wanting one of these things for almost six years now. When I studied abroad in Japan I stayed at a home where they had one of these toilet seats, and I fell in love with them. It beats baby wipes (and those of you who've gone on missions know that baby wipes are amazing), and once you've used this seat, you'll never be satisfied with anything else!!!
For some reason, Bev's not totally convinced. She think's it's "cool" but it took forever to get her to sit on it and try it. I think when it comes time to actually use it rather than "test" it, she'll enjoy it.

Hm... I've never actually had the guts to "spray" my butt, even though I sat on many of those in Japan. It was definitely nice to have the seat pre-warmed though! I guess I'll have to make another trip to DC and try it out.
so how much did it cost?
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