Evan can now turn on the radio by himself to play his CD, and say "radio". When I was watching Wheel of Fortune, Evan said "wheel", and also imitated the bankrupt sound. He's really starting to say more, do more, understand more, tear apart more, etc etc etc!
Ok this is Bev... Mark failed to really explain why Evan turning on the radio himself is REALLY amazing! I started making playing classical music at bed time part of his routine. He has seen me do it, but I never had him push the buttons until a few days ago. To play the CD you must press a couple buttons on this stero in an exact order. So, I just let Evan press the last button, the play button.
The other day while I was washing up in the bathroom, I told Evan it was time for a nap, and to go to his bed. Surprisingly he went to his bed! but then I heard him talking so I knew he wasnt in bed anymore. "Evan, go to bed!" Then I saw him walk from across his bedroom to his bed. "what are you doing?" I walk in and realize that his music is playing. I know I didn't turn it on, because I only turn it on at bedtime. "Did you turn on your radio, Evan?!" "rayooo!" he says. WOW! I'm blown away. There are so many buttons all in a row and he knew exactly which ones and what order to press them!! He's growing up TOO FAST for me!
I also have to add, how sad I was to drop Evan off in nursery, last Sunday. He just got right in playing with the toys, and I was the one having a hard time leaving him! I was so excited to see him after church, but he just acted like, "come on, mom, it wasn't a big deal." Well, at least I got a "ma" out of him when he saw me. *sigh*
He was so cute wearing his "I'm a child of God" crown! I guess he must have had a really good time in nursery cause he actually wore the crown for a while. He never wants anything on his head, unless I tell him its cold outside. And all week, every-so-often he'll hand me his crown to put on him! too cute.
I love this new outfit that his greatgrandma Lau gave him. It makes him look so grown up. He's got more designer clothes than Mark and I have together!

WHAT A CUTE BOY! Hm... you could probably start teaching him some more important stuff. Like how to start the dishwasher or how to start and warm up the car... or maybe not...
Evan is stylin'! Who said you have to have a girl to have fun dressing up your kids!
Crazy how these kids grow up so fast and learn so fast huh? I just got called to be in the primary presidency and the kids are so cute!
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