Well look who made it to the Sunday Morning News on CBS with Charles Osgood December 18...Starring, Evan! And Beverly! CBS was doing a story about the Mormon church being one of the fastest growing religions in the world, and a few Sundays ago, the camera crew came to our congregation and was following a family to be their storyline. I guess the cameraman couldn't resist the hand-sucking, bright-eyed, poised for stardom Evan-man, so he has a 3-second spot! Lucky Mama too!

Daddy made it on there too, but not nearly as clear and long. If you squint and look hard, you'll see me sitting next to beverly on the top (to the right (his right, your left) of the man in the white shirt). I'm just not as irresistable as the one...the only...Evan-Man!
Who could resist catching some film time of little Evan??
wow you guys are famous! can I get all three of your autographs?
Beaty Bev and Evan-man...Congratulations on your TV debut!!! Mark, you'll be wonderful manager to the stars! Hahaha
Wow... coooool!!!
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