Ok, so you don't really care all that much, but you're just interested to know... I know as soon as I say what It is, you'll start the flood of emails asking what will we name It. And I will answer you now, "I don't know? Look at the cute blobs on the ultrasounds, and tell me what do you think It looks like?"

Click on ultrasound to see more pics!
What a cute little boy he will be! If you couldn't tell by the picture above that he's a boy, I would reconsider your decision to be a radiologist. I'm just kidding, you can't see any "identifiable features" in this picture. For the faint of heart, I've placed that picture with the others in the picture link above. But to tell you the truth, I didn't know what I was looking at until the technician pointed it out to me. So, the FCC got nothing on me. ;)
The only notable thing about the whole experiance today was that at one point the little guy didn't want to move into a better position for the technician to examine him. So, what does the technician do? She uses the "microphone" and pokes ME with it to make the baby move. I think the little guy is stubborn like me and doesn't like to be pushed into doing what others want, and he didn't move. Then the technician says, "hang on" and tilts the machinized table, as I'm lying on it, back so my feet were higher than my head. I guess altering gravity a bit isn't so pleasant for baby and he was in a better position to strike a pose.
As far as names go, I think it may come down to seeing what he looks like in person to really know what he should be named. But, your suggestions are welcomed in my comment box. Maybe we'll give a prize to the winner too!
How about....Andrew? That would be my first choice, or maybe Jerin, Jason or Gary?:) And if none of those tickle your fancy, then I would have to say Herman...just think....Herman Chang!
I think he should be named...Aidan or Kent or MARK! haha He looks so adorable! Congrats on the boy!! =)
Aaaah! A little nephew thingy. I'm so excited for you!
As far as names go, many people say that they want to see what the baby looks like first before giving him/her a name, while usually they already have a name picked out. :D
Are you going to name all your children Helaman? They might have to get used to having people mispronounce their name all the time. "Hella man". It's not swearing if you're from Australia...
I'd suggest a really cool name or something, but seriously, would you name your child after a suggestion? Me, I don't even ask for suggestions for blog names (even though I am in serious need for some creativity) because if it's something really cool, I want to be able to take the credit!
So, to be nice, I will only suggest un-cool names, so you won't have to take my suggestion, or lose a good name because I suggested it. Here goes: you should name him Alfred.
Or, you could do the classic Chinese thing and throw pots and pans up in the air and take down the first three sounds you here. You've already got the Chang part covered...
"Take down the first three sounds you hear," excuse me. Not "here".
*roll on the floor*
If "Chang" is the first sound, then "Thong" must be the sound of a pot landed on someone's head...oh no, I'm passing out...
*regaining conciousnes*
By the way, Beverly, congratulations! And have fun "taking down" the third sound!
Auntie "Chong-Thong" Geoklee ;)
Wow! I got comments on my blog now!! Whoo hoo! I feel like I've reached some new level of blogging. Jedi master is within my grasp now!
"Ouch Thong" would sound pretty strange :P
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