I remember when we were dating that he'd always try to get me gifts or flowers that weren't your average gifts but were still meaningful. Like once for a formal dance he got me a gerber daisy potted plant instead of a corsage.
I can definitely say that being married gets better everyday. Before I got married, I'd want a boyfriend to be so sweet to me and do all kinds of really nice things for me, like going to really nice restaurants, buying me big bouquets of flowers or expensive gifts, going all out to plan an afternoon together, just big stuff that made a big deal. One of my roommates got bigger and bigger bouquets of roses everyday for a week. It got to the point where she couldn't find a container big enough to hold it and started giving them away! (you know who you are) Anyway, I think I was more into the idea that someone would go to great lengths to openly show how much they cared about me and then out doing that later. Or even how many guys I've dated in a period of time, or EVEN how many guys I could get to want to kiss me in a day (hehehe that's another day's blog).

After its all said and done, and now I'm married to the most wonderful husband in the world, I think back and wished all those good things were with Mark whether we were dating or married. I know it sounds cheesy but it's so true. Old pics of my old boyfriends have been trashed or lost over our wedding photos. Old cards and letters doesn't mean more than the paper its written on. And to tell you the truth, I gave a lot of the gifts I've gotten from them away as gifts to someone else. (hehehe I'm not saying who received them!)
Anyway, that was my thought today as I was arranging my flowers and listening to Josh Groban. Life is so much sweeter with your eternal companion.
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