I for one don't really like how commercialized the hollidays get, but I for one also won't stop someone from buying me stuff. :) (jk, I swear I'm the most frugal person you've ever met)

Meet my new friend, Zeiss, Carl Zeiss. I think he's from Germany, but don't tell him he's really made in China.
There's so many cameras to choose from these days, how does one choose? My biggest selling point: lense and filter attachments! whoo hoo! ok I'm a dork. I know.
When I grow up I want to take pictures like our friend
Brian. He's so good. We should have hired him for our wedding pics.
It sucks that Valentines is on a Monday this year. Can't do much. I came home late from work, helped Mark with our stuffed salmon dinner, and played online and with Carl while Mark was glued to Jack Bauer on
24. It's a highly addictive show... so I limit myself on how involved I get.
Since Mark had already given me a Valentine's surprise early, I had to try to match his efforts. I went out on Sat while he was home studying for a Cambodian test, to pick up a pizza for missionaries at Costco (I know more info than you need)... and bought him season one of
MacGyver on DVD. And I hid it under the passanger seat in the car. After work today I made him a card out of those little tiny post-it notes (my most creative card yet!) and wrote a poem on them and the last post-it asked him if MacGyver was under my seat or his? He chose correctly. I've never seen anyone get SO excited over MacGyver. Honestly, I think the show was a load of crock, but for Mark he's an example of how to live your life... "figuring your way out of an abandoned mine shaft with only bubble gum, 2 ft of string, and lipstick from the girl you're saving" Can you handle it?!
Overall, I think Valentines was low key, but enjoyable. Besides, we're going on another trip this weekend! This time to Dallas, Texas. (sing with me, "All my ex's live in Texas...")
Oh yeah, and the most exciting thing... we're gonna find out if we're gonna have to buy pink or blue tomorrow!
Stay tuned...