CFC as it is called in our acronym built government, is a "wonderful" thing that happens this time every year. And lucky for me I was drafted to be the CFC cheerleader in our office. Basically it's the one time of the year that government workers are solicited for time and mostly money to a list of charities that qualify to be in the CFC's catalogue. I think the only requirement is that they have to have less then 25% of their donations go towards their admin costs.
Although, there are PLENTY of charities out there that I believe are a joke, I've decided to give them the benefit of doubt and give my time and efforts. So, today we held our book drive. We collected used books from people in our office and sell them again at a cheap-o price and give that money to CFC. I can say some people get real snooty about giving in any way shape or form. Some go as far as to squeeze behind me and the wall to not have to walk infront of the books. We call it the "walk-of-shame". Well, despite the weirdos in my office building, we managed to sell enough books to exceed my goal for a 3.5 hour sale. $152. Not bad I think. Some people thought it was books I was selling for myself. "Hello? Do I look that desolate and poor?" Must be the lack of sleep.
That's the one thing I can't stand about some people here in the DC metro area. They assume way too much. Then they open their mouths, and I want to shove my foot in it to plug up the crap that falls out. I know, I know, one day I'll move away from here and miss the stupid things some people do and say here. They just say the darnest things!
Why do they say "Virginia is for lovers"? it's more like "Virginia is for people who think too much about themselves" Its the what's-in-it-for-me syndrome and its like a chronic plague here.
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