Thursday, August 21, 2008

just had to share

I'm getting myself and Evan, of course, ready for Japanese kindergarten in a couple weeks. I think Evan is totally ready for more activities and such, cause almost daily he'll whine to me, "Mommy, I need something else I can do!" I give him activities, but he's done and wants to move on in 10 mins.
Anyway, I'm worried that the school is going to frown upon me as a mom if I send Evan to school with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. As much as he likes them, they are nothing compared to the bento boxes (Japanese lunch boxes) that I've seen in the past. I've been to the store to find a lunch box for Evan and there's a gazillion little gadgets and doodads and thing-a-ma-bobs to make your kid's rice balls look like Hello Kitty or cut a tiny wiener into a crab or making special hole punched seaweed to make Winnie the Pooh's face out of your carrots! Its insane how much time and effort these moms will put into making their kids meals look kawaii. more power to ya.
Although, I'm not about to invest in Doremon cupcake papers, I do want to at least provide Evan with something good to eat for lunch that's somewhat Japanese. Plus, I don't think Evan will care about cute food. Knowing him, he'll probably throw his backpack around enough that he'll find a bento full of garbled funny faces at lunchtime.
So, online I go, and I find this site. I love how nicely everything is photographed. I haven't tried the recipes yet, but you can be sure I'm going to be trying them out soon!


ricka said...

crap. it's 1am and now i'm starving after visiting that site.

Anonymous said...

Ahh. I don't remember what my mom's meals looked like. I remember that they tasted really, really good and I was happy because she made me a lunch. It was one of the few things at school that reminded me of home.

If you like that site, also try
The author's on hiatus right now, but the archives are pretty good too.

JJ said...

Love that site..if only I could have lunches like that made for me! Seriously beets the cafeteria food in my building!

Boden Family said...

Wow! Those meals look great! It's awesome that Evan will eat stuff like that. I didn't realize that they started school so much younger there...Are you nervous? I think I might have a hard time sending Graham.
Good luck with your lunch making!

the Dao's said...

I don't know about you, but I surely am drooling for some good Japanese food.

Jerin said...

It's funny. Since I've basically immersed in a third culture (Japanese) for a bit now, I can see it from Wami's point of view. Your posts and viewpoints since arriving in Japan are distinctly from an American point of view. For example, in the case of the bento lunches, Wami gets excited when she gets to put something "cute" together for Taisei's lunch because it reminds her of the fun times she had as a grade school student. Even as minorities, we sometimes forget that cultural differences have to be viewed from the both points of view.

R said...

check this out--saw it in my random online wanderings last year and put it in my favorites bc it was just way too awesome:

Some of these are way too cute to eat!

R said...

oh oops. I dunno why it signs me as "r".


Wami said...

I'm very excited about Even going to a Japanese kindergarten, Youchien!! Did you get a youchien bag, shoes, a hand towel, a smock, and stuff like that? I really hope we can do the same thing for Taisei in the future.

Jerin brings obentou for lunch to work. But it doesn't look like a normal obentou because it's just a collection of leftovers at dinner.... if Japanese people saw that, I would be embarrassed...Hazukashii..

Beverly, have fun making obentou! In super markets, there are many kinds of food for making obentou. They are pretty good. Why don't you try that?

Jerin said...

See? What'd I tell ya? ;)