Monday, May 05, 2008

Swimming with guests, and eating with guests, and drawing with guests

Lots of people swinging by Casa de Bevmark this week. Jerin was in town for his usual meetings, but its always great to catch up and fun to go swimming at the hotel he's staying at. Andrew and Liew and Andersen came up for the weekend for one last horrah before we move. Lots of lobster were lost for the cause. And Ben was in town for a night, and Evan was so happy to have a drawing buddy.

swimming and guests

** BTW, announcing another price drop in our home, down to $325,000. We're gonna have to sell it at what we bought it 4 yrs ago. We're getting down to the line here so we gotta do what we gotta do. please pass the word along! :) **

1 comment:

Jerin said...

I came all that way and didn't get to see all the upgrades in your pad (nor play Guitar Hero)! Booooo. :(

Lots of cute pics!