Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How cool is this?!

So you're in your fav resturant and this guy comes up to you and askes if you've got kids. You say "yes" and he hands you a blank check and tells you to write it for any amount. You humor him, and write $100,000, then he signs the check and says "I'm good for it". And only askes that you use the money for a house and name your next child after him.
Sound like a movie line? Nope, it's real. Read more here on ABC News.
With the real estate market at what it is now, the next time I'm handed a blank check, I'll be sure to write a much larger amount!


Jerin said...

Wow. I hope to have the means to do that one day. And when I say means, it means 100K would only be a small % of my spare cash. ;)

ricka said...

i will never disclose your name and will name my 6th kid jerin.

123 checkoutourfamily said...

I'm with you on that one. Wow, that would be awesome.

ZhaoKids said...

Okay when I see the guy, I'll just ask him to sign it and withdraw everything from his account...hahaha. First we need to afford to go out and eat.