Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ok so, I'm posting these pics of Seattle a little prematurely. I was gonna wait till I was back in DC, but I'll just keep adding to the web album as I upload more pics.
I feel like a schmuck again for not taking more pictures! There's not nearly enough pics of when Jerin and Wami and Taisei were here. And there are no pics with Lisa, no pics of my old friends that I've been hanging out with, and no pics of Mark's 10 yr high school reunion! The reunion is the biggest reason we were even in town. *sigh of dissappointment*
Well, imagine with me a large dim lit room with green and white balloons, filled with about 150-200 27-28 yr olds with glasses of beers in their hands, loud 90's music blasting from a DJ in a corner, "heavy" appetizers on the tables, and Mark's slide show he put together for the reunion looping on the big screen in the back. There were a lot more people that showed up than expected, and there weren't enough chairs and tables for everyone. That's ok cause most of them congregated around the bar. Being that I only knew 3 people at the reunion, all Mark's friends, I did OK making small talk with the others there accompanying someone that did go to that high school. I'll let Mark post his thoughts on his reunion...
My 10 yr high school reunion is in 2009, and after going to Mark's I've reconsidered not attending mine. I know there aren't going to be many people there that I'll talk to, cause I already keep in touch with the ones I care about. But I would be curious to see who's lost hair, gained/lost weight, who's doing well, and who's still never left high school mode. Funny that even after 10 yrs, there were still noticable cliks at Mark's reunion. If you weren't tight with a certain group in high school, you still didn't talk to them at the reunion.
So, I guess after going to Mark's, I know what to expect going to mine. And I have 2 years to start a business or get my masters or do something HUGE before then. :)

*I'll post the slideshow again when I add more pics to it.


Tim & Crystal said...

I think you should just rent a private jet and hire a bodyguard just for your 2009 reunion. I'm sure everyone will be lining up to talk to you...hahaha! Oh ya and make sure you have 2 nannies by then, one for each kid!

Jerin said...

oooh - you did get some pictures that I didn't get, Bev. We had a blast hanging out with you in Seattle. Reading about Mark's reunion actually makes me wish I had gone to mine. Oh well, the 20 year one should be coming up here soon. heheh