Thursday, July 20, 2006

Finally playing catch up

I didn't realize that we were months behind on updating pictures here. We posted a few here and there, but I forgot to upload them to our photogallery. I guess its old news now, but for anyone still interested here they are!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing those pictures. They are surely fun to look at, esp. connect us to your family and friends. Evan has grown to a cutties boy. There are so many cute pictures of him and I enjoy looking at all his funny looks. Give him a big hug from me.

Anonymous said...

Beav-- I just noticed a comment from you from a long while ago. Sorry! To answer your question, VAMOS is pronounced Ba mo su. And my parents moved to near your parents! (I think) Kamiak... across from HPMS kinda. ^^ I didn't eat the ostrich egg, it looked weird. But everyone said it was better than regular scrambled.