Evan on house arrest with an ankle braclet after being caught doing some insider trading.

What's this on Evan's ankle you ask? No, its not me being silly and putting a watch on Evan's leg. Though it does have the time 5:00 permentantly affixed to its face, it's actaully an "actigraph", much like a pedometer. The actigraph tracks Evan's movents and activity levels while he wears it over a weeks time. At the same time I'm charting when he is in motion that is controlled by an outside force, i.e. when he is in a vehicle or when I'm carrying him. For the next two weeks I am also tracking his sleep patterns. How long he sleeps, how he's put to sleep, how long it takes hime to fall asleep, etc. And this evening and tomorrow evening Evan is being filmed while he sleeps at night. There's a video camera set up over his crib that takes a time laps video (compresses an nights sleep into a 1/2 hour video) of how he sleeps at night. Pretty cool stuff!
What is all this research and experimentation for? If you've been reading my blog for a while you'll remember an old post about Evan being part of a study put on by George Washington University called the "Parent-Child Health Project" about how depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health disorders are pass on from one generation to the next. A lot of the information they've gathered are about how Evan responds to certain items or sounds, what skills he's developed and when. And now this new one over his activity levels and sleep. They even interviewed Mark and I about our history, fears, and levels of anxiety we feel in our fears.
Well, anyway, its been great to be apart of the study and to see Evan be so cooperative with a watch on his ankle for a week.
BTW, so this is my *real* haircut...the last one was Photoshopped to see what I would look like w/short hair. Glad you guys liked it! I decided at the last min to highlight my hair too, but instead of brown it looks more red. Oh well. I got it cut at a place in Edmonds, WA called HK Hair Center next to Ranch 99. What do you think, do I look like a fob? hahaha
Why the sudden hair change? I needed something new, and it was Lynns doing. She had this link on her blog. Thanks Lynn, I spent way too much time there.
Glad I got a picture of it, cause I'll never get it to look the way the salon styled it again!
Wow...so hot....hehehe...let's go shopping!
Yo bev! Nice do.
Yo Ev! Nice watch. Where can I get one?
Those are cool studies. I would be fascinated by the results that they find.
whoa hey now. I gotta figure out how to do cool things on photoshop. Then I wouldn't impulsively cut bangs just to see what they look like. Haha. I wanna see what I'd look like with short short hair. Perhaps bald. That would be fun in a field-trip to the shao lin temple sort of way.
Anyways. Excited to see you guys soon!! I will get Eman some batteries for his new watch for his bday.
Nice Cut Bev!! I want and NEED a change too. I guess I need to wait after I labor =)........can't find a good hair stylist these days. Great you found a good one =)
BTW, how you join those studies at GTU? sounds fun!
Bev, cute hair. That's cool you're getting all this info. on Evan. I wouldn't mind doing that with Caden. Evan sure is cute!
Your hair looks so fantastic--I love it! I watched the video of Evan at work and was cracking up... he's a funny kid. Sooo cute. We're coming to the East Coast soon.. a few months! Hope we can see you there.
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