Evan turns 8 months today (Sorry Brian, he still ain't walking yet. We've tried, I promise.), so since I was getting my haircut, we decided to finally give Evan his first official haircut as well. Up till today, we've only trimmed around his ears and back of the head to avoid the super mullet (remember when he was born he came w/a free mini-mullet). Now with this haircut he's not a little baby anymore!! It's like Sampson losing his powers, only Evan looks so much older now, so empowered!
Here are some before and after shots. Please ignore the fat rolls. :(

Wow! What a difference a haircut can make! He sure does look a lot more grown up with his new haircut. For me it's the other way around, a haircut makes me look younger.
Brennan is already 20 months and he hasn't got he first "offical" hair cut yet. Maybe it's time to give him one also. =). Yours does make a big different.....He is really cute still, and yet yes, he does look older =p
DOD haircut comming right up? is evan going to sign up to go to the sandbox?
but luke, we were trying to make him look like you :)
mark and bev.. look how pathetic i am? you dont want evan to be like me...
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