Friday, September 23, 2005


One of the hazards in the line of motherhood, I’ve come to find out, is back injuries. I woke up Wednesday morning with a slight kink in my neck. “No problem” I thought, “it will go away in a few hours”. I left the house in a hurry to meet up with Julie to go for a morning walk. Well, in my hurry I grabbed Evan’s carrier and suddenly felt a *pop* in my neck. THAT HURT!!! I should have just called Julie and told her I wasn’t coming, but me in my “I’m supermom” mindset, went walking anyway. I came home from that walk in so much pain I couldn’t hold my own head up for more than 5 mins! I couldn’t hold Evan for long either.
I eventually went to see the doctor the next day, and she confirmed that I had a back spasm and because I’m breastfeeding Evan I couldn’t get any of the muscle relaxant drugs she would have prescribed me. I can take Tylenol but for the most part I’ve had to live with the pain in my neck and back.
Mark’s taken off work to stay home and help take care of Evan and all the little things I can’t do now that you’d take for granted, like turning your head!


Anonymous said...

Runs in the family? I have just gotten over severe back spasm about a month ago. I went to see a chiropractor and went thru a series of treatment, learnt rehabilitation and maintenance on back/spine care. It's a longer and slower process from the muscle relaxant but it works. No.1 pain relief they prescribed was ice, ice, ice and ice the sore spot. NO medication!

Anonymous said...

ouch!!! my friend just had that too. you guys are freaks!