Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bluetooth Evan

Evan talked to me on the phone the other day…with Bev’s Bluetooth headset!  He’s a techno-geek already!  That’s my boy!


andrew said...

Way to go! It's always easy to instill good habits while they are young. :)

He looks like a baby customer support rep. "Well, if you're having problems with your diaper leaking, I've always found a piece of duct tape will do wonders...."

Anonymous said...


Took a quick skim through the blog. The first thing I have to say is that your baby is absolutely beautiful. <3 Most babies take a little while to grow into the beautiful stage (at least to a person other than their parents) but Evan looks darling from day one! Well, whatever day that entry was that you came home from the hospital. Day three, or seven, perhaps? Heh. I am really looking forward to starting a family too! I'll be far away from everyone in the USA though.

On a different note, one of my dad's sisters and her family live in Vienna, and I have visited many times. Great area, really like it. =) Okay, looking forward to catching up with you more over email! Bye!!