(*$5 to anyone that know's where this title was derived from!)
Lucy retaliating against being locked up in the bathroom while we were at work. We're not sure what her facination with TP is, but she loves to play with it.
Here you can see how her front leg is shaved so she looks really skinny. That's where the vet had to shave her to get IV's in her when she was sick. I hope it will grow back soon cause she looks like a dog with toothpicks for front legs.
It's from Kenan and Kel, of course. Personally, I like orange soda better, but considering the kleenex tissue crap we've been getting here on campus, I might start craving a good roll of TP instead...
Well, Congratulations Faye! I would have never guessed you'd know about that ol show on Nickelodeon. It's strange to see Kenan on SNL these days.
What is up with the kleenex stuff anyway? I guess BYUH has had problems in the past with people taking them to TP Pres. Shumway's house, huh? You'd never see that problem at Provo. They plastic wrap all the statues on campus before football games against U of U. Quite interesting to see Brigham shrink wrapped like a christmas present.
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