With our last trip to St. Louis being a bit of a flop cause we didn't know where to go, Rick reminded me that they used to live in St. Louis should have asked them where to go. So, now I'm annoucing our next destination and asking for YOUR recommendations.
True, we've been to this place a few times and I have extended family that live there, but I think it wouldn't hurt to get a few recommendations for those must-see, must-taste non-tourist spots from our friends out there.
So, tell us what you loved seeing, doing, tasting in... Hawaii!
We'll be on Oahu for the most part, but we did book a flight out to Hilo on the Big Island for a day trip. That's where I'm a bit at a lost at what we should do out there. We got a rental car and 10 hours and a 1 yr old.
Anyone know a good beach for little kids, that doesn't have too large of waves?
***Mark's addition: And any recommendations for Omaha? Besides the obvious Winter Quarters and any ol' steakhouse?
Oh yeah, and does anyone know how to get on the set of LOST? wouldn't it be great to be watching the show and see Evan running around with the "others"?! Or be part of the other cast aways on the island that are there in the background but nobody from the main cast even acknowledges they exist?
did we take you to helena's? i don't think so. it's on liliha street close to downtown honolulu. long wait sometimes but their pulehu ribs are to-die-for good, and it is where the locals go for yummy, reasonably priced hawaiian food. i miss that place! i'll keep writing messages when i remember places to go. :)
Take the Hilo-Hamakua scenic route - on the coastal highway. It's beautiful, and once you reach the bottom, look for the botanical garden on the right, I don't remember the name, but it's like 15 dollars a person (maybe) and it's basically a protected rainforest you can actually walk through. Great scenic views too of the cliffs, etc.
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