Well, actually I'm glad to be home for a while. You can only live out of a suitcase for so long. From Ottawa, Canada, to Taipei, Taiwan, to Seattle, Washington, all in a little over a month. I was home for a total of 7 days. Enough time to find subs for my CTR 8 class and do laundry. Mark and I spent Sat cleaning the house. It was in shambles. Everything was out of place cause we didn't have time to put it back where it belonged. I still need to vacuum, cause with Fall, so do the leaves, and there are bits of leaves all over the place. How does that happen when we take our shoes off at the door?
We're slowing adjusting back into a regular sleeping schedule. But I think I'm the one with it bad. I'm up late and can't get motivated in the day. Mark seems fine. Evan sleeps late, but he'll sleep 12 hours.
Speaking of sleep... We've lowered Evan's crib and took one side of the crib bars off to transition him to a 'big boy' bed. His crib is up against the foot of twin bed also in his room, so he really only had about 1.5 ft of a gap to get off his crib. So, I figure he's got a 10% chance of falling out of bed during the night.

I haven't found him asleep on the floor since, but it's nice that he can climb out of bed himself, open his door, walk down the hall, open my door, and come wake me.
Thanksgiving was good. I'm working on putting together a family history book for a family reunion later this year. And I was glad to get a lot of scanning of old photos done and collecting personal histories.
Mark and I even got a lot of our Christmas gifts out to family early, so that's a big check off my list of To-do's.
It's always too short of time when we're home, and never get to do everything we wanted or spend enough time with everyone. Oh well. While everyone was in town, my family got together to take a family portrait. I tried to get Evan to nap before, but he had other plans. He was in a good mood when we got to the studio, but they were swamped with other photo sessions that we had to wait almost an hour. That put Evan at his limit. And then the photographer lady scared Evan with a giant black foam block to sit on, it was all down hill after that. Evan didn't want anything to do with the lady or sitting. We managed to take 3 pictures. Figures that as soon as we leave, Evan's smiling, walking around and not tired. sheesh. I haven't seen the proofs, so I hope there was one good one. Maybe I'll have to photoshop a smile in
for Evan and myself.
I got my haircut and colored out there. I went to the same place I got my hair cut last time, but found out they'd switched owners. I should have asked first why the lady the cut my hair last time wasn't there cause my haircut and color isn't what I expected. There was a bit of misunderstanding too. The Vietnamese lady thought I wanted to dye my whole head when I just wanted highlights, so that tee'd her off. But I didn't care, it's my hair, lets get this straight! So I showed them what color highlights I was thinking, brown slightly red, and I don't think they were really listening to me or maybe they didn't care to match it closely, cause they came out with this bowl of bright red paste. I thought maybe it's just the dye, cause it was the case when I dyed it brown before.
wow this one was so long that the template can't even contain it! hahaha
Ahh, the sign of a true sleepyhead, can sleep anywhere, anytime, anyway! Way to go Evan!
Hey! I commented on the second half of this blog!
warning- this is a long reply.
beverly... it's like you and i are cosmically connected this month. i also embarked on haircutting and professional picture taking adventures while staying with my parents!
try to make long stories shorter.
1. hair was limp and ugly. chopped some layers out myself.
2. mom thinks layers are ugly and all wrong- agrees to "fix" the hair (in HS i used to cut my own hair a lot to get my mom to give me haircuts- this time i was just trying to cut it without help, but she insisted.)
3. turns out "fix" it is mom's secret plan to chop off ALL the length (she quips "don't look!" when i ask "how much the heck are you cutting anyway?? I just wanted you to even out the layers.)
4. so it looks pretty good on the left side, but the right side is ONE long layer and ONE shorter layer. my mom sees no evil in her haircut... even though it's crazy weird on that side... so she can't/won't help.
5. i re-layer it myself on the right side.
6. she cuts out this weird long ducktail type section that has appeared with the shorter cut. finally i and she are both satisfied. phew.
Picture takin-
1. day before try to have perfect naps so baby can sleep well and have a beautiful smiley morning.
2. baby wakes up mutiple times during night. plan didn't work :)
3. morning mood is strange- not too fussy, but loud talking and lots of kicking kicking kicking.
4. he gets a good morning nap.
5. drive to mall parking lot so that he can eat close to the mall and we can eliminate the trip there an buy ourselves 15 more good waking minutes with the photographer.
6. has a very fussy eating session- eats about 10 minutes total in 40 minutes... we are worried he's starving but must get to the appointment.
7. he has explosive poop, which luckily doesn't leave the diaper this time, but must be cleaned in the car before we put on all his cute picture gear.
8. cleaning the poop has made us 5 minutes late, so we get pushed back behind someone else's appointment. ARG!
9. while we are waiting, he settles down enough to eat about 15 minutes more in the dressing room of the picture studio. he falls asleep- not good, totally off his routine, but he must have been exhausted from trying to eat and pass explosive poop before.
10. he wakes up, fussy and confused.
11. finally, about one hour after our appointment we finally get squeezed in. now we're about 15 minutes into his normal nap time.
12. the girl taking pictures is really amazing and gets him to smile, even though he is so tired. i'm glad for the cute pictures, but my nerves are shot and i don't want to get portraits for a while.
13. the story goes on, but that's the main part... and this comment is getting ridiculously long!
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