Monday, August 14, 2006

Virtual Earth + Real Estate = The Best Website EVER

You've got to check out Look up your house value if you have one, and find out comparable prices in your neighborhood. If you're thinking about moving, you can check out where the more affordable houses are in potential areas of interest.

...Or check out your the value of your friends' houses to see how much money they have :) Yep, you know it, Jerin!


Jerin said...

Well... you know... predictions in our area, the Avenues, are highly inaccurate. 2 half million dollar homes can sandwich a junker. It's difficult to estimate the real amount you can sell your home for. Which is why we'll be putting our home up for 1 million dollahs! (Ok, that's small peas on either coast, but in Utah, that's a humongous house, which we don't have.)

TC said...

Hey Bev! This is fun!My mom was pleased that her house went up in price....hahaha! AND.....I love the new design. I think we need to go with a look something like that for FOBlife:) I like the background! Did you find the old AAA design? Let me know:) I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!