Staying at Mark's grandparents was a little of a challenge. We got a PeaPod, it's like a little tent with an air mattress built in that travels well, for Evan to sleep in. He did well on naps in it but I didn't count on him sleeping there all night the way he tosses and turns. He ended up sleeping better on a comforter spread out on the floor. Of course their home isn't baby-proofed, so we had to clean, block, and move everything out of his reach, and even then I can't really let my guard down.
At home I try to work around Evan's schedule, but on the road it's out the window. So what do we do to apeese the Evan? Feed him! Nothing distracts him more than food. During our trip he learned to ask for food. I tried teaching him sign language, like the word "more" when I'm feeding him, but he never caught on to the hand motions as he did to saying "mmum" instead for more food. While in Dallas, Grandma was carrying him around the kitchen when Evan spotted a banana on the counter and cried out "mum! mum! MUM!" I don't know how he knew thats what bananas looked like either, because I don't remember ever showing him the whole fruit.
When Evan's in a good mood he says "Da da da DA!", when he's in a bad mood he says "ma ma mmmma!" Go figure.

The weather was in the high 80's the entire time we were there. Nice but we couldn't take it coming from the cool 60's in DC. And I didn't pack summer clothes for Evan either. He was such a sticky ball of sweat at the end of the day. poor kid might as well have slept in just his diapers. Now I'm dreading summer time in DC.
The other thing about leaving on trips, is that Lucy gets housed with our friends Kate and Aaron while we are away. It always takes a few days to 'retrain' her when she's home. Its so much work to rediscipline her that she's relieving herself in the right places and not chewing and eating things she isn't supposed to. I'm glad she figures things out pretty quickly.

I'm not looking forward to Friday... Usually Friday is a good thing. TGIF, Good Friday, Fun Friday, Friday-the-beginning-to-the-weekend-day. But not this Friday. I'm scheduled to have all 4 wisdom teeth extracted at 8:30am. *whimper*
I had a traumatic experience at the age of 6 with the dentist in Singapore. I saw kids being dragged kicking and screaming down a hall into a brightly lit room. Naturally, I did not want anything to do with that hall nor the glowing room. The next thing I knew my dad had me by the hand and was taking me down the hall of doom. All I remember after that was the cold room, masked people with crazy lensed glasses and rubber gloves holding my head and arms and legs down while I was crying and struggling. They put this huge gas mask over my face that I remember it covering my whole face. Then I remember it getting quieter and darker, like going into a tunnel backwards. The last thing I saw was the dentist's masked face, and I remember being SO angry at him that I wanted to grab his face and rip it off. I don't know if I really did put my hands up. I woke up to a sore face with 4 missing teeth and a mouth full of gauze.
Well, 20 years later I'm finding myself in a similar situation. I'm going to be put under, they're extracting 4 teeth, I've never met this oral surgeon, and I haven't been told what this procedure is going to consist of. You'd think that I'd have a consultation with the dentist first? Maybe it's so routine that they don't need to see me, just my x-rays?
The one good thing is that I'll be out and not be conscious to hear see or feel anything. It's too bad labor isn't that way, and you'd wake up with a baby in your arms. ;)
Hope you're feeling better after the surgery.
I finally figured out a way to look at your blog from work. heheheheh! Shhhh... mums the word! You can't stop engineers from engineering, you stinking IT!!
Hey, so we have to baby proof our house eventually - we might as well try and get started before you come. What should we do? (Email me!) Can't wait to see you guys!
BTW - good luck with your Wisdom Teeth Bev. Your pregnancy really could follow the same procedure, as it almost did for Wami. Schedule a C-section and before you know what happened, you'll wake up with a baby in your arms. But you'll be messed up for 2-3 weeks afterwards, with 4 bottles of pills to take. ;) Luckily Wami had an epidural, so she was awake and got to hear me tell her about what they were cutting next. haha
So I have to comment on my own blog, since nobody else is commenting. Waaaaaaaaaaaah. Evan poop update: In the last four hours, he has gone through four diapers, three of them loaded with poop.
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