Wow, I almost spaced it today. It wasn't till 5:30 today, when Mark called that I realized it was our anniversary... pretty momentous huh? I was thinking of our trip next week back home to Sea-town, and perhaps staying at a quant bed-n-breakfast, or going to see orcas in the Sound, or going to the Seattle temple, or something to that effect, that I forgot what the real date was.
I guess we've been busy with a sick puppy, baby shower at work today, and adjusting back to DC time from San Fran that we overlooked the importance of the 24th of May.
Quick recap:
-Went to San Fran for a week. Mark's bro, graduated from Berkley (double major; Integrated Bio and Molecular Cell Bio) Pretty impressive. I would have liked to double major in Industrial design; animation & product design, but I'd be in school for another 4 years. No thanks.

-Visited Mark's old mission grounds in Fresno and Modesto with Cambodian Families that he worked with. That was cool. We were fed so much good Cambodian food! Spicy + Stinky = Good Cambodian food.
-I finally got to see more of the San Fran area. I wouldn't mind moving there if it weren't for the traffic.
-Watched Star Wars on opening night... ummm morning? the midnight showing. That was cool. The freaks and geeks do come out at night. I guess I'm one of them.
-Went to an ice cream shop, Fentons, in Oakland, where Mark ate a gia-normous ice cream sunday in 20mins for a free t-shirt. Brian, you're right, the sleeves are a bit funky.

-While we were away, we left our little Lucy with friends to take care of. But she didn't do to good, and got really sick. After many tests, x-rays, and $$$ (poor Lucy) the vet said she had Juvenile Hypoglycemia. I guess a lot of puppies from small breed dogs have that problem. They expend their energy faster than they are eating food and gaining weight. So, poor Lucy was at the animal hospital for 3 nights hooked up to an IV, while her humans were far away in CA wishing they could be there to make her feel better.
She's doing much better now. We feed her every few hours and make sure she's taking naps and not playing hard.
-Had a baby shower at work today. That was cool. A lot of people I've never really talked to showed up, gave gifts, or donated to a gift card to Target. It was a VERY generous gift card too! I wish I knew who gave to the gift card cause its going to be a huge help to us. All the millions of diapers we'll be going through soon.
I guess that's all for now. I need to get to bed. I'll have to wake up in a few hours to feed Lucy again. She's like my practice baby. When our baby comes I'll be an old pro. ;)