Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Quickie blog (so expect spelling & grammer errors)

Drama abounds! I think it has something to do with spring. Seems like everyone is going through some sort of drama. Even me. Though I think mine maybe pregnancy driven and exponencially more traumatic to me. Poor Mark has to put up with me.

In the news:
I just got called as Young Womens Laurel class advisor (16-18yr olds) at church. I've taught the Beehives (12-13yr olds) before, but I think the Laurel class will be quite different. They're just at the pivitol point in their lives where they are prepping to get thrown into the grown-up world. I remember feeling like every decision I made, down to what I wore, would effect me for years to come. I hope I can be a good teacher and help them realize the importance of the gospel now and the rest of their lives.

I got a promotion at work! I went from a GS-9 step 1 to a GS-10 step 3!!! ok so if you don't know how the grads and steps work in the govn't then this info is worth nothing. Let's just say most college grads only make it to grade 7 to 8 starting. And the difference between one grade to another is $$$. Yeah, I know I sound like the cash is all that matters to me... and it does because I'm know I'm not going to be working there forever. So the highest grade and step I can get at my current job, only puts me in a better position for a future one.
Plus, I passed Mark up in grade level now! Unfortunaly, if you understand the grades and step system, he still makes $25 more than me a year. hehehe

Mark and I spent all last Saturday painting our bathroom. What we thought was a bucket of gray paint turned out to be more of a baby blue. That's what you get for buying 'oops' paint from Home Depot. I have to say though, that our freshly painted walls are nicer even if it isn't the color we thought it was. Don't worry we had proper ventalation, unlike the last time.

The whole 9 month thing is really getting on my nerves. Everyone treats you like you're either you're gonna break into a thousand pieces, like grandma's 100 year old china, or that you should be wonder woman, work 40 hours a week, keep your home ready for Martha Stewart's camera crew, be Molly Mormon's mom, and run for president of your home owner's association. If you have the preconception that pregnancy is great, you need to be kicked in the head. If you have the preconception that pregnancy sucks, you need to be kicked in the head too.
Ok so it isn't everyone that get's on my nerves, its (as my coworker Camille puts it) people who drink 'stupid water'.

Baby Chang is getting to be a bit annoying. I sound like a great mom huh? Its cause he's getting bigger and stronger everyday. Just when I get used to him, he throws me a curve ball. Baby's doing good. We're gaining weight and growing as scheduled. No name yet, but we're likeing the name Evan this week. Baby's training for the 2025 Olympics Decathalon. He's got such a riggerous work out even Mark's feeling it through the night.

Here's something that doesn't happen everyday... Last Monday, Mark was driving home from chinese class and was listing to the radio, z104.1 to be exact. He's been on this kick of calling in to radio stations to see if he can win something. Well this time, all he heard was "Call in now!" so he did, not realizing that he had to answer a question! His usual reaction is to hang up right away and dial again, but this time it started ringing. Good thing he was paying attention to the rings and didn't automatically hang up. The DJ picked up and asked him his name. Mark in a high pitched voice says his name, still in shock that he's on the radio. She askes him if he knows the answer to the question. 'Oh crap... I didn' t know there was a question!' Mark thinks to himself. "Where to 40% of women go to pick up on guys?" Mark thinks hard, while still keeping 40% of his thoughts on steering the car clear of dumb VA drivers. Lucky for him the song "tAke me out to the ballgame" was playing in the background. "A baseball game?" "Congrats Mark! You've won the Z104 prize pack! You and 3 friends are going to the opening of the new movie Sahara!" "WHOO HOO!"

Sahara, good movie. I'd recommend seeing it in the theater, or at least on your big screen tv.


andrew said...

Congratulations on the raise Bev! Good job Bob (Mark) on finding and exploiting the hint to win the prize. See you guys soon!

NightPrancer said...

Congrats congrats... to both of u!!!