Due to the economic downturn and the strong Yen coupled with the weak greenback, the unusually long, hot summer, followed by the sudden change in temperature, the typhoon that cancelled Halloween...um, okay, due to none of these reasons other than we have been negligent in our blogging duties (three kids might have something to do with it; I know, where are our priorities!?), we decided it was time to evict ourselves from our dedicated site, changtheworld.com (thanks Bluehost you've been wonderful) and settle (back) into the cloud. Those of you who tried to go to www.changtheworld.com in the last 24 hours probably noticed that you were redirected to a new address here: platinumbev.wordpress.com. We initially wanted to keep changtheworld.com, but discovered that we would not be able to do a domain redirect to a Wordpress.com blog--at least, not for free. Wordpress doesn't hand out their name servers for free, you know. Ok, you don't know. (*YAWN* Geek.) You can do it free with Blogger, but we'd already moved everything over to Wordpress, and since we've been using Wordpress for the last couple years, we figured we would stick with it for the time being.
So if you've landed here, congratulations. Now update your links, update your feeds, and come back here often for new updates: It's Mr. Plow, Mr. Plow, That name again is Mr. Plow.