Sorry for the long drought of posts. We're usually the murmurers of others who slack on their blogs, but we have been a little swamped with sickness, trips, and narcolepsy. :)
So next formal post will happen once the Sonics win a game. (As I type, they are currently behind 48/54 vs. Kings)
Just a quick summary, though, in case they DO win today: Got back from a nice two-week siesta in Seattle. Few days later Mark went out on his annual hajj to St. Louis, only to come home early (didn't even get the ceremonial White Castle trip in...blargh!) and help Beverly out with the kids, who came down with
RSV. It was harder for Careese because she's barely two months, so the pediatrician couldn't do any tests on her. Beverly ended up taking her to the ER, and in running around all day without food, sleep, she overextended/overexhausted herself and (at least from Mark's perspective) seemed pretty close to meltdown. Luckily we have a wonderful church ward who stepped in and drove Bev, Careese, and the car home from the hospital, gave them a blessing, took Evan and cared for him for the afternoon and overnight, brought over meals, and continually checked up on Bev to make sure she is not only okay, but back on her feet and running again. It was a testimony builder to see all the "programs" of the church work together to help us out. If you haven't witnessed it yet, well, I wouldn't say I highly recommend getting your newborn really sick and see what happens, but if you find yourself in critical need of assistance, call on someone in the church and see what happens. Charity's pretty cool, to say the least.
I also have other news, but I'll save that for the day the Sonics win a game...or when the writers' strike ends. I need my Office, 24, Heroes, and NCIS back! ...At least LOST is back this Thursday.
More to follow.
Edit: This is the latest
headline from the Seattle Times website with respect to the Sonics:
"The [inaugural] Sonics [team] finished eight games better than the expansion San Diego Rockets in 1967-68, but their 23-59 record has stood for four decades as the worst in franchise history. It could be threatened this season."
Ha! Well, so far they're 9-34. We'll see, huh? The Heat finally got out of their 15-game losing streak with a win...Sonics are at 13.
Edit 2: Just got word that President Hinckley passed away earlier tonight. Such sad news, but he does leave a great legacy behind him. Not to mention all the temples he managed to build up--124. Before him, there was 50!
Deseret News (but all us Marmans are hitting that one, so here's another: