Mark's at a conference and Evan is taking a nap, so I'm sitting around in a bathrobe and slippers, eating bonbons. hehehe jk. It's SO cold here. Yesterday, after we checked into the Hilton, it started to snow. Its not cold enough to stick, but it was a pain to run around town in. We're definitely NOT ready for the cold. We were still enjoying 70 degree weather at home.
Yesterday, after we got off the plane and got our rental car (le Pontiac boat), we headed to the nearest church building for sacrament. We got there just in time, but couldn't find seats, so we thought we could just sit in the foyer and they'd come out with it. We thought wrong. We went to the hotel to check in and came back to the singles ward and poor Evan was at the end of his rope and Mark took him out in the foyer. Well, I guess they do things differently here in Canada, cause they again didn't come out into the hall with the sacrament! Poor Mark missed the sacrament twice.
On top of that, sacrament meeting was all messed up. They had a bunch of people go up and bear their testimonies before the sacrament which went on FOREVER. Then they had sacrement and speakers. But the bishop went up in the middle of the speakers to give the ward announcements. So weird.
We're on the higher floors and have an amazing view of Quebec, the huge casino, and man-made lake. The casino is attached to the Hilton. I haven't ventured over there yet. I worry that if its anything like Las Vegas casinos that its smokey and loud, therefore not a place for Evan. But I have to say that I like the architecture. Not amusment park looking like a lot of the hotel/casinos on the strip. This one actually looks ultra modern and classy. Come to think of it, a lot of Ottawa's buildings are very modern. Very European modern. I like it. I guess that's expected since everyone here speaks French.
There's one thing about French influence that I can appreciate... their food! Its no ordinary chocolate on your pillow here at the Hilton Lac-Leamy. Its the most divine piece of chocolate I've ever tasted! And best of all it's no dainty piece of chocolate either. Creamy hard chocolate surround a hazelnut chocolate creme middle with little bits of something crispy mixed in. WOW. I'm gonna have to raid the housekeeping ladies' carts when they aren't looking!
As part of the hotel package we get buffet breakfasts every morning. It was just Evan and I at the buffet today, Mark didn't want to get up at 6:30 am today just to have time to eat before his meetings. The buffet was so good. Not at all good for you. hehehe except the fruit. Its a pretty nice resturant, and Evan behaved like a perfect little gentleman. Sitting in his high chair, eating with silverware, and even wiping his mouth with the napkin! (I thought I'd give him the napkin to see what he'd do with it. He first started to wipe the highchair tray with it. Then I showed him how I wipe my mouth with a napkin and then he was wiping his mouth the rest of the meal!)
Well, thats about it for now. I gotta figure out how to get to the art museums downtown from here without the rental.
Hey Bev! I loved your post. Very colorful and funny. Sounds like you're having a fun time over there relaxing, huh? Wami would love it if I could have a business trip, take her along and stay in a nice Hilton somewhere in Canada. :)
By the way, according to my rusty French, here are some phrases for you:
Excusez moi, parlez vous l'anglais?
Excuse me, do you speak english?
Je ne parle pas le francais.
I don't speak French.
Ou est la W.C. (pronounced vay say)
Where is the bathroom.
Enjoy! (At least your not in Paris - see SecondEpinion. :O)
Ooh, I love Quebec!! Sounds like a fun trip. I know, it's completely francais over there. It's great, a mini france within Canada.
Oh, I forgot to ask - have you guys tried poutine yet? A lot of people think it's gross that they serve fries with gravy and cheese, but I think it's so good!
I love poutine! At first I couldn't remember what it was, it's been so long! I used to get that stuff ALL THE TIME at the HS cafeteria...mmmmmm! Man, I'm going to have to make me some of that in the near future.
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