NEW!!! Nativity in Vinyl & 10% Off Coupon!
I'm excited to tell you that I've joined with JannieJo Creations to have the Glass Etching Nativity image cut out of vinyl for easier application just for you! Have it cut in regular vinyl to etch glass or have it cut in etched glass vinyl and skip the etching cream all together. Either way, it makes for a quick and easy project to add a simply beautiful decoration for the Christmas season to your home or make as a gift.
*ORDER NOW from JannieJo Creations for a limited time! Just for my wonderful crafters, include this coupon code MYNATIVITY2011 in the notes section when you purchase and receive 10% off your entire purchase! *
Hurry and Click!
I'm excited that what started out as a project I drew up to teach a couple ladies at church a simple craft for Christmas, has received a lot of attention!
So, I'm so happy to share my pattern on Etsy!
Happy Crafting Holidays!
NEW!!! Nativity in Vinyl & 10% Off Coupon!
I'm excited to tell you that I've joined with JannieJo Creations to have the Glass Etching Nativity image cut out of vinyl for easier application just for you! Have it cut in regular vinyl to etch glass or have it cut in etched glass vinyl and skip the etching cream all together. Either way, it makes for a quick and easy project to add a simply beautiful decoration for the Christmas season to your home or make as a gift.
*ORDER NOW from JannieJo Creations for a limited time! Just for my wonderful crafters, include this coupon code MYNATIVITY2011 in the notes section when you purchase and receive 10% off your entire purchase! *
Hurry and Click!
I'm excited that what started out as a project I drew up to teach a couple ladies at church a simple craft for Christmas, has received a lot of attention!
So, I'm so happy to share my pattern on Etsy!
Happy Crafting Holidays!

*For a little more info on glass etching in general, I found this site to be quite helpful.
ingredients: mirror or piece of glass, 1 sheet 8.5 x 11 inch clear mailing label (Avery brand is the one I used. Any type that can go through a printer and withstand water works), Xacto knife or utility knife, masking tape, paint brush, glass cleaner, and Armour Etch (glass etching cream from local craft store)
CLEAN mirror with glass cleaner.
PRINT image onto 8.5 x 11 clear Avery mailing lable.
PLACE in the center of mirror and adhere one side of mailing lable with masking tape to create a hinge
PEEL backing off of adhesive image in parts, and APPLY it to the front of your mirror.
COVER remaining exposed portions of the mirror with masking tape.
CUT carefully with your X-acto knife the colored portions of the image. Peel the pieces of material out as you go. *If you make a mistake and cut outside of the lines, cover it with a piece of masking tape to prevent the glass etching cream from eating away at the mirror where you don't want it to. Don't worry, the knife will NOT damage the glass.
CLEAN the exposed parts of the mirror CAREFULLY with masking tape and glass cleaner to get any sticky residue off the mirror, being sure not to pull up any of the fine details you have just cut in the adhesive material. Residue left behind will prevent the glass etching cream from etching the mirror and distort your image.
BRUSH on a generous layer of glass etching cream over the exposed portions of the mirror. BE CAREFUL! Wear GLOVES to protect your hands and be sure you are in a WELL VENTILATED room.
WAIT 10 minutes. Wash off your brush.
WASH all the cream off your mirror. You can use your brush to help. If there are spots that didn't etch where it should, clean it again and reapply etch cream, wait 10 mins and wash again.
PEEL off the adhesive material to reveal your final image!
CLEAN the mirror one last time to get any left over sticky residue.
I had a calling at church as a Enrichment Committee member. And we had organized a "Super Saturday" of crafts for one of our activities. I volunteered to teach a class on glass etching a nativity scene on a piece of mirror. I hadn't done it since Junior High, but I figure, "how hard could it be?" I WAY underestimated the project and the time it would take. "Super Saturday" was from 8:30 to 12:30 and only 2 ladies finished. Wow. I had sat down to do an example piece, and it took me 2 hours. But obviously I didn't know how quick I was with an Xacto knife.
Well, overall, the class went well, and the ladies have been calling me one by one as they finish up their pieces at home to tell me how much they loved the end product. I'm so glad.
Teaching this class has been a great confidence booster I think. We've been in this area and our ward for over 2 years and I still feel like I don't really know that many people. And I couldn't make that initial connection to get to know people.
I made it a goal to get to know the sisters that had signed up for my class and to really extend myself to overcome whatever was holding me back. Fear perhaps. For me, it's like a mini-anxity attack at the thought of having to talk to someone, whether I knew them well or not. I never felt like this before.
I think since becoming a mom its gotten worse. I've kind of withdrawn into and been content my own little world. Which is the total opposit of what I should be doing as a new mom. I wouldn't want Evan to grow up to be a hermit, right?
Well, I'm glad to have set a goal to extend myself through this calling and reached it. And, also alittle glad to let this 'secret' out to float around in cyberspace.
Oh, and I found out on Sunday that I was released from Enrichment Committee and called to be a primary worker teaching the 7 and 8 yr olds! I think it will be fun, and a whole new challange. :)
Coooool Bev (or should I call you hermit-girl? I can't see that for some reason). Can I get your glass etching instructions? It sounds dangerous. There aren't broken shards of glass everywhere though, I take it.
So even though the sisters seemed to like it, the ward fired you from your job, huh? heheh - just kidding. It must have been coming already. Congrats on the new calling! It sounds fun.
hey bev, that's definitely a neat glass nativity scene. so you did that in high school? wow wish I had crafty stuff like that then. Maybe I would be at least a little bit crafty Yea i would love instructions on that. PLEASE! hehe
Your etching is beautiful, I have just recently started teaching this process to my high school crafts classes and it is one of their favorite projects. They think in terms of much easier designs. I can not wait to show them your nativity scene. Do not stop teaching people, you have a real talent!
Your etching is amazing! I just saw this featured on the "Tip Junkie". I would love to get the instructions of your glass etching. PLEASE! I think that this would be a wonderful craft to do as a church activity.
I have etched glass before, but I am in love with your design. Are you willing to share it?
These glass etched nativity scenes are sooo awesome! I have found a place where you can have them send you all of the stuff to make these for $12 or if you want a stand to go with it you can get it all for $15. She does it with vinyl so there isn't any exacto knife cutting! She will send you the mirror and everything! Email Angie at for all of the information and to order!
Bev, the glass nativity etching is truly beautiful. Is it possible to get a pattern for it? I live in Northern Canada so many of your neat craft stores are not available to our sisters. If is is available, please email the pattern to Thanks for the great idea.
How can i get the pattern? would love these for super Saturday, and i have a vinyl cutter so that would be easier, can you e-mail me
thank you so much
Your etching is beauiful. This would be a wonderful gift for my Mom (she collects Nativity sets) Do you give out the template for the nativity? Thanks!
I love your Nativity etching. It is awesome! Where did you get the pattern? Would you be able or willing to give it to me? Thanks!
I love the etching. Are you willing to share the pattern? If it is available would you please e-mail it to Thanks
Sorry, the email should read ..thanks
I would love a copy of the pattern also for our enrichment. Thanks.
I love etching and really like the one you did. Is there a way to get that pattern? I have looked around and haven't been able to find anything close. My email is If you have it and could email it to me that would be great! Thanks
Not only can you teach it, but you were able to write such a fun description of the event! Could I please get the pattern too, it is beautiful! Thanks so much.
I am planning a Super Saturday event and would love your pattern, if you could share that, please. I also collect nativities and think it is GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing! my e-mail is
I, too, would love a copy of your template. I would love to do this in our Super Friday night activity "Christmas in July". Also, I collect nativities and this is gorgeous! If you can, please e-mail to
Hi! Do you still have this pattern? I clicked on your Etsy link but can't see it. I wondered if maybe you removed it since this was a while ago. If you can send me the pattern that would be great!
I too would love to buy your pattern! (If you are even still checking this blog.)
Hello! My mom did this in her RS also we would love to make another one!
Is is possible to get the pattern still? Is it for sale? My email is
Thank you so much!
You are very talented and I would love to have this pattern. I don't use paypay is there another way you will accept payment.
barbaraoi812 at hotmail dot com
I would love to get a copy of the pattern. This is beautiful. Please e-mail me.
I looove it. I don't think my ward has done something like this yet (I'm the enrichment leader in my ward). Would you mind emailing me your nativity pattern? I would love to try it out! Thx!
I would love a copy of your Nativity pattern. We are planning our Super Saturday Enrichment and are looking for ideas. I think this would be perfect. Let me know if you can email it to me Thank you.
Hi. Do you still have your pattern available? My email is
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