Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas...

Well, we're in Taiwan for Christmas this year. We won't be in Seattle at all this holiday. Strange to be in a country that's predominately Buddhist, so there is little Christmas spirit here. That's ok, "Christmas is in the heart", right?
We were having a great time till Mark got food poisoning, I caught a cold, and we got an email from our real estate agent saying that our neighbor called to let us know DC's weather has been 11 degrees lately so our pipes froze, and we got a new swimming pool in our basement for Christmas. whoo hoo.
I wouldn't feel so crappy about it, if the water didn't leak over to our neighbors (we live in the end unit of a row townhouses), flooding their basement, and therefore forcing her to close her daycare. I'm glad she was nice about helping us out while we are out of town.
Figures we'd have something like this happen. Our new place has been nothing but water problems.
Other than that, we're doing good. Mark's getting better from his encounter with bad shellfish, I'm over thinking about my cold cause I've been thinking of how much damage there will be when we get home, and we'll be in Los Angeles next week for a family reunion. The fun never ends in the Chang household.

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